A pregnancy test is typically not reliable before a missed period. The earliest it can detect pregnancy is usually after a missed period, but it’s best to wait about one week after a missed period for the most accurate result.

At Women’s Clinic, we offer no-cost, lab-quality pregnancy testing. If you are unsure, we can also help you determine the best time to take the pregnancy test and answer any additional questions.

What Will I Feel Like If I’m Pregnant?

Early pregnancy symptoms can resemble premenstrual signs such as bloating, mood swings, fatigue, and sore breasts due to hormonal shifts. Other common early signs include frequent urination, tender breasts, food aversions, and heightened sensitivity to smells.

However, symptoms can vary greatly from woman to woman. Some may feel symptoms as soon as they’re pregnant, while others may not feel any symptoms for weeks. Because of this variance, the best way to get an initial answer is by taking a pregnancy test.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

After conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus within 6-12 days, and the placenta starts to form. As the placenta develops, it produces human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that increases quickly in early pregnancy, doubling every 2-3 days.

Pregnancy tests detect these rising hCG levels, making them reliable if taken correctly and at the appropriate time.

Confirming Your Pregnancy

At Women’s Clinic, we offer free, confidential pregnancy services, including pregnancy testing and viability ultrasounds, to help you get the answers you need to be informed about your pregnancy.

We also offer appointments where you can meet our compassionate staff, ask questions, and learn about your options.

Don’t wait—schedule your no cost appointment today! We’re here to support you along each step of your pregnancy journey.